If your company is based in BC, Healthserv can assist in greatly improving your workforce's occupational health and safety with an Occupational Medical Surveillance program, combined with a well-developed health and wellness plan.

An effective toxicity monitoring program focuses on identification and prevention, allowing early detection of exposure to biological and chemical toxins as well as the detection of any related adverse health effects.

Healthserv's Occupational Medical Surveillance program employs medical examinations and laboratory tests to provide annual reviews of biological exposure levels, as well as periodic medical examinations to monitor your employees' future health, helping ensure your business stays safe and OHS-compliant with WorkSafe BC.

In turn, Occupational Medical Surveillance provides workers with expert information and advice, empowering them to help improve their own health and safety at work.

Healthserv's Occupational Medical Surveillance programs can include, but is not limited to, the monitoring of:

Tellurium Nickel Asbestos
Cadmium Chromium Arsenic
Colbalt Lead Nickel

For more information about our Occupational Medical Surveillance or other wellness programs, please contact us here.